Not following the plot

You are not the playwright
you are not even the director
so stop trying to steer
this drama in a direction of your imagination.
You may want this to be a classic
but I may be in the mood for a cheap thriller.
You may want this to be a refined drama
but I may be in the mood for melodrama.
You may want this to be a predictable love story
but I would rather die of boredom.
I am the character
who will not toe the line.
I am more interested in expressing myself
the way I feel now
here and now
rather than conform
to a plot predetermined.
And if you keep playing tricks
to cheat me of my lines
or rob me of my turn
I will show up in unexpected ways -
A frown in the middle of a kiss
A cynical line instead of ‘life is beautiful’
A distracted nod instead of deep listening.
And I will not
let you sweep me under the zafu.


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